Sunday, March 21, 2010

A new start for a new term

Last term have been quite slack for me.OAC and NO MORE TV. Resist against the forces of evil. It is time to buck up.
I just had a shorter haircut. I think the lady cut it too short for me, I look like a mushroom head now. A new hairdo for a new term. Hope it grows fast.

Anyways, it had been quite a month since I last blogged. Term 2 is starting and I gonna study like crazy cause it is mid-year! Kind of dreading and looking forward to it. I am going to start a new study technique right now. Hope it works because I just learnt it from a professor on TV. Oral is coming this week and I just realized it! Hope that the chionging still works.

Band is getting more frightening for me. I justgot promoted to 1st trumpet and it was super scary. SOLOOOOO AMerican Graffiti. There were may high notes that I could not play like 'b'. Recently from my tuition, I met a guy who also play trumpet from maris. He said that he could play up to high 'd' and he is in 1st trumpet. I really wonder if guys have bigger lungs and stronger diaphragms than girls. However, I hope that it will boost me to greater heights!

TD project. Magnetizing of crickets, coloured environment of crickets. Recently during the start of holidays, pf suddenly want us to start the experiment, i was at home sleeping when zx called me. We were shocked as kim was not there and she expect us to transfer the all crickets for both experiments. what I thought was that was crazy as zx will definitely not do it and i had no choice. So we started out.

I hope this post is not too long. Start of the new term! end of march holidays! this maybe the last time blogging this term.