Friday, July 11, 2014


I am really feeling frustrated with MYSELF thats why I have to blog about this

I have rehearsal tomorrow but I lost my aperture and it sounded really horrible.
My diaphragm is getting tired
Honestly, I didn't touch it for the whole week till today because I had so many activities in the day so tired in the evening, almost forgot about it plus procrastination and overconfident that I can easily play the high E again. (seriously its only an E)I feel so disappointed with myself. But not.. lost my stamina and got worse.

Thus, I am in trouble. Pray that God will help me persevere tomorrow practice which is from 2-6 4hrs!! And not many can understand how the playing of trumpet works. The more you play, the more tiring it gets, the more you CANT play. Other instruments, the more you practice, the more you get it, no diaphragm needed no lips needed. How can I explain to the others to exclude me out during rounds and rounds of practice? I am the only one trumpeter so loud so obvious. I am scared. I haven't played a complete piece non-stop and without errors yet. It is also my fault that I didn't practice CONSISTENTLY enough and tomorrow is the last final practice. Only GOD can see me through this. I really sincerely apologise to God and to the team. Please forgive this time.

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