I must not regret the actions I choose to take. make the the best out of it! You too! :D
It is already the end of the month...
What I should say? More tests and I have finally gotten over any TV entertainment/drama shows. I have restrained myself from watching this year and it have been very successful just that my life has gotten more 'sian' without it. More band practices..
Anyway, Chinese New Year is here! I am really looking forward to it this year. 2 days of holidays! plus 1 half day school. Should I go back to primary school???
Guess what? I got my contact lenses. Some may be wondering why that sudden 'vanity' but I just want to say that my mum just wanted to claim the company's free expenses given to each employee. That's why i also made new specs.
I was so afraid to put on the lenses. I took about 20 mins to just put in one lens. First, lift up eyelids, press down the bottom lids, use index finger aim, touch the eyeball, look downwards, relax upper lid, blink, relax lower lids. My eyes kept blinking. I tried it so many times of stretching my eyelids that it got teary and swollen when I finally got the contacts on. It was terrible. When it got in, I rejoiced after all that effort of putting it in. I did it for the other eye too but it was slightly faster. When both was in, I realized that I got all teary but it was clear! I had no feeling that the lenses were on at all.
After explaining all the instructions and checking, it was time to take out. I felt sad as all that effort of putting it in would be gone. It was also as difficult as you have to stretch eyelids and pinch out the contacts.
I thought it was all done when I finally got out the lenses. Then, the optimist asked me to practice for 1 time putting in and out again. All by myself with no assistance. I was like 'siao' my eyes all swollen le. luckily, it was faster as I got a bit used to touching my eyeballs which was gross.
The worst part of the process was that it was CNY season and so many people were walking past the optical shop. It was embarrassing as many were staring as I pried open my eyes.haiz... the optimist asked if I wanted to wear the lenses then go home after that, I immediately said no as I wanted my eyes to relax.
This whole process took 1 HR Now, the contact lenses are at home now. I seriously dont know when then i will have the courage to experience the putting in of the contacts again. Thinking about it, it was kind of scary. There are also quite a lot of sight effects and stories of wearing the lenses too, I was warned. Anyways, I wont be wearing it so frequently.
I am absolutely looking forward to CNY, hong bao and all that visitations. My father bought like 10 boxes of CNY goodies and my mum said that he was overly enthu as who is going to eat all that boxes!
I just went for the SYF rehearsal yesterday. It was so tiring and scary!
Byebye seeya!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I feel so small compared to her. What should I do? make myself Big?
Saturday, January 08, 2011
I have to breathe.
It is 2011.
Just that first week of school and I am bugged with packed events for the next few weeks, no months.
Almost everything clashes. TD, BAND, TUITION They are the ones that take up the most time of my whole secondary life other than school.
I f I could rank it from the busiest, it will be BAND, TD, tuition
I got the taste of what busyness feels like especially this year.
Next week, I have Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat band practices Next week, I have TD presentation for NUS project on Sat Next week, I have Fri and Sat tuition.
See something similar? All happens on Sat. I am doomed.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Bye 2010 Hello 2011
Phew... it is still 1st Jan 2011. I thought it earlier that i wanted to at least post something on this first day of the year.
I was actually hoping that the clock will stop at 11.59.59 so that I will never ever go to the start of the mugging year again. It reminds me of PSLE but this is even worse.
Like many others, I stayed up late for that 'crucial' moment 12am. I wonder why I was feeling so excited each time the new year arrives. Scared? Worried? Unpredictable? Truthfully, I haven't been studying throughout the holidays. I have been hooked to TV shows. It was only the last month that I went for an expensive physics tuition to brush up my terrible C grade results... At least, I felt more confident with this teacher and saw some light to my physics.
Here are some of the events for the last few days of the year
BAND 30 december
Just that 3 hrs it was so unpredictable. chloe was so happy that she was promoted to 1st, I had mixed feelings that I wasnt demoted.
Last thursday, she tested one by one. I screwed it half- way. I really thought I was going to 2nd trumpet as triple S pointed to my direction and said,' move to 2nd' , I was so happy then and smiled to myself thinking,'oh finally!!' ( coz i cant play high A note very well) Then, I realized that she was pointing to my junior and she happily moved nearer to the 2nd trumpet. My mind crumbled. Almost everyone was expecting me to move and I felt guilty as I played worse than my junior.
Just why I cant get DEMOTED?? triple S PRACTICALLY KNOWS THAT I CANT PLAY WELL. giving me another chance. I feel guilty of depriving my junior the chance. Maybe God doesnt want me to give up on 1st.
After that, 5 of my section members and I went to NEX and we ate the Japanese steamboat,'SHABUSHI' It was only $12 and we had a free flow of ingredients, drinks, sushi rolls and ice-creams. It was the best. We ate like 8 plates of beef plus prawns, chicken, clams...It was the first time having a section steamboat. We went up to the skypark there and was so tempted to get wet at the water play area but we ended up going to the arcade.
Fun day for all.
31st december (countdown)
My family and I went to NEX again then planned to go to church for watchnight service. However, when we reached there, my father could not find any parking lot and we had no choice but to go for a joy tour around marina bay at night. Although there was a massive jam there but we enjoyed the lights and scenic view of the marina sands plus the floating platform. As we did not go to church for the 2009 reflections,my father wanted us to name 3 good things and 3 unhappy things for 2010 while in the car. It was so crowded at night and with no parking space there too. Unfortunately, it was only 11.pm then and there was no fireworks. We then went back home and when the clock stuck 12, we saw the 8 mins fireworks on TV. WHat a huge waste! I shouted, 'we were right there just now!' At 12am, I send a huge load of sms to my friends, there was a massive sms satellite jam as everyone was practically sending at the same time.
1 Jan
TODAY Guess what? I had both physics and chinese tuition on this special public holiday. The teachers doesnt want to give us a break. A studious start for the year...first time in my life.
My mum forced me to wake up early in the morning for a run at Hougang stadium. Right and I grudgingly woke up and somehow ran 2.4km (6 rounds around the track) Then went for physics tuition 12.30pm-2.30pm, then chinese tuition 4.30 to 6.30pm At night, there was some New year celebration party at my aunt's house.
It is very long-winded but thanks for reading!
Wishing you all the best for the new year. Happiness awaits everything.